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Krista Tamm

International Relations Specialist, University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy


To recap my background in one word, it would be ‘languages’. Since I was little, I have been eager to learn and practice foreign languages: started with Russian, and went on to English. Later came several more, but finally, it was certain: my biggest passion is the Spanish language. I studied Spanish philology at the University of Tartu and did my Erasmus+ exchange at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. My master’s degree is from Tallinn University where I studied conference interpreting which I still find very exciting, though nowadays I practice it seldom. During my studies, I worked as an office assistant; after that, for quite a few years I dedicated to translation, especially to translating audiovisual texts (mainly TV series, and cartoons, in addition to some films) which was a nice mix between translating and interpreting as the content was oral language.


After years of going back and forth between Estonia and Spain, I settled in the loveliest town in Estonia – Viljandi. It was 2015 and just then, a new director was elected for the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy. I was still in Spain but followed the election process and kept my fingers crossed for this Spanish pianist who was courageous enough to take the challenge. When the position of secretary opened at the Academy, I applied for it but was assigned to be not the secretary, but assistant to the director Iñaki Sandoval. So, I got to do a lot of interpreting from Estonian into Spanish which was a real thrill for me; in addition to carrying out a variety of projects. Though I got to assist also the current director, when the Academy needed a new person for International Relations, the was no doubt in my mind that I had to try and take on this new challenge. I must mention that I’m very grateful to my predecessors Anu Puulmann and Pauliina Perkkiö from whom I learned a lot, both being inspirational as professionals and individuals.

Again, to put it in one word: ’people’. Though translation was something I enjoyed, it was quite a lonely job. Nowadays my work means mostly communication, being the intermediary between both persons and cultures; and collaborating with my colleagues at the Academy, the University, and abroad. Though sometimes it can get challenging, I remind myself to keep in mind the big picture: through my work students and staff are supported in their professional journeys, so they can create and by that, make the world a better place.

Photo credits: Maritta Anton