The Assembly of Nordic Music Academies, ANMA is a collaborative network for the promotion and advancement of higher music education and related activities in the Nordic region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, plus the self-governing regions: Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland).
a. ANMA aims to foster collaboration among higher educational institutions in music in the Nordic region, promoting the exchange of knowledge, resources, and best practices in the field of higher music education. b. ANMA may engage in joint projects, events, research initiatives, and other activities that contribute to the development of higher music education in the Nordic region.
c. The assembly organizes an annual ANMA general meeting to support the collaboration.
Membership Criteria
d. Membership is open to higher educational institutions in music in the Nordic region.
e. Higher Music Education institutions and organizations outside the Nordic region and institutions of corresponding status and profile are eligible for associate membership.
f. Membership and associate membership are granted by the ANMA Steering Group on written application. g. Members agree to actively participate in assembly activities, including but not limited to conferences, workshops, and collaborative projects.
Observer status
h. The ANMA steering group can grant observer status at annual meetings to other relevant music education organizations, which do not represent higher education, and/or relevant student organizations or bodies relating to higher music education.
i. ANMA has a governing body responsible for strategic decision-making and coordination. The governing body is named The ANMA Steering group.
j. The ANMA Steering group consists of eight representatives, one from each of the member countries. Each country decides how the representative is elected. The elected representative is responsible for the communication with the other members from the same country.
k. The ANMA Steering group constitutes itself with a chairperson. The chairperson is responsible for organizing the accounts and for summoning the ANMA Steering group. The chairperson is elected for three years, maximum two periods.
l. The ANMA Annual general meeting working group consists of seven members: two appointed by and among the ANMA Steering group members, two members from the International Relations Coordinators (IRC) community, two student members and one representative from the host organization.
m. The ANMA network and projects working group consists of the coordinators of the Nordplusmusic networks.
n. The ANMA Advocacy and communications working group consists of four members: two appointed by and among the ANMA Steering group members and two members from the International Relations Coordinators (IRC) community.
o. Additional working groups or committees may be established to address specific areas of focus within the network. They may be terminated by the ANMA Steering group.
Financial Contributions
p. Members contribute financially to support ANMA’s activities according to the suggestion of the ANMA Steering group being approved by a majority of the members.
q. The annual budget is suggested by the ANMA Steering group and is approved by a majority of the members once a year in connection to the annual general meeting.
r. With insufficient payment of membership fees, the ANMA Steering group may terminate the membership of the relevant institution.
s. Suggestions for change of this framework agreement is presented by members to the ANMA Steering group and is approved by a majority of the members once a year in connection to the annual general meeting. Commitment By payment of the membership fees institutions commit to this network agreement.