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What is express mobility?
This form of student mobility is intended to broaden the possibilities for students to study abroad for shorter periods in cases where longer periods are not possible. Express mobility is also intended to encourage institutions to invite students from partner institutions to participate in their own courses and thus promote internationalisation at home.

What are the rules?
‐ The mobility shall be fully recognised as a part of the degree at the student’s home institution (exception: work placement after graduation).
‐ The mobility period must be included in a larger study entity which is a part of the student’s degree.
‐ Exchange is possible from the first year of study at the student’s home institution.
‐ The student shall live at his/her place of study; commuting between place of study and ordinary place of residence is not permitted.
‐ Confirmation of grant award shall be signed before payment is made
‐ A final report on the exchange shall be submitted by the student after the exchange (not mandatory for express mobility).

How long can the express mobility be?
The minimum length of express mobility is 5 days.

What is the financial support?
Express mobility grant consists of accommodation/board rate and travel rate.

Accommodation/Board rate
250 € 1st week, 100 € 2nd week, 100 € 3rd week
Daily rate (extra days for an incomplete week) 70 €

Travel rate
To and from Nordic/Baltic Countries: 330 €
To and from Iceland and Faroe Islands: 660 €