Sidsel Jess, sj@bruun-partnere.dk
Keynote: Generation Z - a portrait
Break out session #1:
Benefits, challenges, call for action
Break out session #2:
Pitches addressing the "Questions of further investigation":
How can we as institutions prepare students for paths that doesn't yet exist?
How can make a system of questions rather than a system of answers?
How can we reinvent or renew the mindset of our faculty while keeping the candle burning?
How do we take part in the collective responsibility for change?
How do we encourage students to reflect in dialogue with the dinosaurs?
What should the new generation definitely take on/inherit/learn from the dinosaurs and vice versa?
How can we encourage students to look at the future but also investigate the past?
How to customize information for students?
Links to music
Apricity Quartet
Link to Cecilia Krill's accelerator board game
Contact her for more information: ck@sdmk.dk