Meeting for Nordplus networks representatives
Location: IUA Design & Architecture Campus @Thverholt 11
Arts higher education is one of the dominant subjects when it comes to Nordplus Higher Education funding. There are about 15 networks within the subject area of arts, design and architecture, and together these networks receive around 500.000 EUR on an annual basis from Nordplus for mobility alone - not counting projects. Despite this prosperity there is little communication or collaboration between those networks.
Following the ANMA Thematic Day on the Potential of Cross Arts Collaboration, we would like to invite representatives of these networks to a meeting where we can share ideas about how to enhance cross arts collaboration in arts higher education in the context of Nordplus.
Discussions led by Keld Hosbond, Vice-Principal of Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg and Alma Ragnarsdóttir, Head of International Office at Iceland University of the Arts
12.00 - 12.30 Light lunch
12.30 - 19.00 EXCURSION (optional)