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Crossing Bows

17 - 22 February 2024, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

"Crossing bows" brought together nearly 40 cello professors and students from the Nordic and Baltic countries and guests from Brazil. The programme included individual lessons, workshops and ensemble practice and concluded with a concert featuring a cello orchestra consisting of all participants.

Lessons and masterclasses were given by Henrik Brendstrup (Denmark), Sigurður Bjarki Gunnarsson (Iceland), Ēriks Kiršfelds (Latvia), Gleb Pyšniak (Lithuania), special guest Fabio Presgrave (Brazil) and Henry-David Varema (Estonia).

Project partners
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (coordinator)
Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus
Icelandic University of the Arts
Latvian Academy of Music
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre