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Exploring Art Song

The main goal of the project was to discover and get to know the central art song repertoire and to establish a network of faculty interested in the Lied repertoire of each participating country. The second aim of the consortium was to include student input in teaching methods.

While the first round of the project was organised online due to ongoing pandemic restrictions, the consortium was able to implement an intensive course onsite in Kokkola in 2023.

The following materials were developed and produced before the live course:
• an extensive, versatile repertoire list of Latvian, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish songs
• language tutorials in video format
• transliterations of the poems using the International Phonetic Alphabet
• recorded poems as pronunciation guides

During the intensive week, the consortium was able to explore and study a large number of art songs composed by 12 composers from the four countries involved in the project. The consortium also produced online self-learning materials before the intensive period together with the students. The Lied duos studied the repertoire in the languages from the 3 other countries. In the closing concert of the project, the participants got to listen to around 30 songs wonderfully performed by the participating duos. During the intensive course, in total over 70 songs were studied in the four different languages.

Project consortium:
Centria University of Applied Sciences (coordinator)
Latvian Academy of Music
Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg
University of Stavanger

Video of the final concert